NATURE NUX Peanut butter 500g
Our certifications
Here's all our certifications

Aliments Quebec
We have been part of "Aliments préparés au Québec" since our very beginnings, and are proud of it. Founded in 1996 by members of the Quebec agri-food sector, Aliments du Québec is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the agri-food industry through the "Aliments du Québec" and "Aliments prepares au Québec" brands. A product "Aliments préparés au Québec" is any product completely processed and packaged in Quebec.

Gluten free
Gluten is a protein found in oats, wheat, barley, rye, triticale (a derivative of wheat and rye), which many people are intolerant or sensitive (celiac disease) that affects 1 in 100 people.
Our products are "Gluten free", it is a voluntary mention from us, based on all the ingredients included in our products supported by certificates from our suppliers.

According to a Harris Interactive study, there are about 7.3 million vegetarians in America, and 23 million people on a "vegetarian inclined" diet. According to a study by Dietitians of Canada, 4% of Canadians (1.4 million) are vegetarians and about 1.4% (475,000) are vegans. Our certification ensures that our products comply with their food standards.

GMO free
A GMO is an acronym for a Genetically Manipulated or Modified Organism in a laboratory. Many people who have concerns about GMOs try to avoid them.
Our products are "GMO free", it is a voluntary mention from us, based on all the ingredients included in our products supported by certificates from our suppliers.
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